Based in Washington, i am president of a food safety company. My musings explore life, work and every moment in between.

Super Bowl LI

The Super Bowl is becoming an American tradition like Thanksgiving. We circle this first Sunday in February to get together with friends, family, and opposing fans to root on our favorite team or for our favorite commercial. We socialize, over eat, and move a bit slower come Monday than we typically do. As Thanksgiving kicks off the holiday and winter season, the Super Bowl is the sentimental beginning of spring. Next up, baseball and the optimism of summer.

This year’s Super Bowl was a bit different than I was expecting. Without the Seahawks involved I get to watch the game commercials without any interference. I intended to write a musing this morning telling you about how the $5.6million dollars that each 30 second advertisement cost was the best use of marketing dollars and the most underpriced advertising medium on the planet. But the commercials were too good to waste this musing on monetary or marketing theory.

This year’s super bowl commercials were the best I’ve ever seen. 84 Lumber, Anheuser Busch and Coca Cola won the day for me. Their spirit of inclusiveness is as American as Thanksgiving or the Super Bowl. Their passion for taking care of each other is exactly what I want for our organization; to take care of each other so that we can take care of our customers. The values of Sprague echo those inclusive, lets-help-each-other, all-are-welcome principals that the United States were founded upon.

Just as American is the need to be reminded of these values. Sometimes we need a visual or an experience to do so. Let us remind one another of these inclusive values at Sprague; to feel the optimism of the upcoming spring and summer. But mostly to renew that sentiment in ourselves and with one another, usually buried under the memories of a dark winter, as we head into a bright spring.

Project Mercury

Respect the Patriots.