Based in Washington, i am president of a food safety company. My musings explore life, work and every moment in between.

Nature Finds a Way.

I spent the Mother’s Day weekend with family in Colorado. Laura and I journeyed there to help with chores that, in the wake of losing my father-in-law, needed to be addressed. We weren’t alone on the trip, my brother in law Eno IV, cousin Aaron, friend of the family Mark, and my mother-in-law Donna all contributed to moving furniture, sorting old papers and photos, and odd jobs that were piling up. We spent the weekend hard at work and finding peace with our loss together.


It was also my first trip there since the East Troublesome Fire miraculously spared my in-law’s property in October. The fire was not fully contained until November that year and the damage was buried under snow all winter somewhat causing the devastation to be hidden. Here now in May, the devastation is clear. Homes, barns, and forest burned in every direction. The once beautiful green forest was now charred black with the faintest burnt orange pine needles. The view is striking. We had to do some exploring to understand more of the fire’s path.


The forest is eerily silent. In a normal year, campers, hikers and hunters flock to the mountains to explore. This year, the forest is closed until the roads can be inspected, cleared, and safely re-opened. This limits our ability to look around too. It is not just the humans who are absent from the quiet forest. The large animals are also missing as there is a severely limited food source in the burned areas. However, when you look a little closer, there are signs of rejuvenation and restoration. Small green seedlings are popping out of pure black earth. Small buds are seen on many blackened trees and two moose were spotted in a valley that was somehow untouched by the fire. Nature was finding a way to heal. My family is finding a way to heal too.


This all happened over a special weekend. Mother’s day is a spiritual time in the spring to celebrate the mothers in the world who help us hapless creatures make it through childhood, our teenage years, and into adulthood where we think we know everything. Along the way our moms help us when we need them, love us when we’ve been good and bad, and turn around before rolling their eyes after we say something naïve. I am lucky to get to watch Laura learn all of this with Sloan. Sloan is a sponge for anything Laura does and imitates her Mom at all turns. We as parents with a young daughter are growing up together – as we learn and adapt to everyday we spend together. It gives me happy tears (for which they mock me endlessly). It’s an incredible thing to watch.


Meanwhile, back at home, my own mother continued to be the support she has always been by watching Sloan and Fox and keeping the home front in check. Because of this support, I woke up Sunday knowing that this is where we were supposed to be. That nature was finding a way in the world and in my life because of the special Mothers in my life.


Happy Mother’s day to all the Mothers out there and have a great week,



Sloan turns 5.

Day 1