Based in Washington, i am president of a food safety company. My musings explore life, work and every moment in between.

Optimize Late.

“When my son moved out and needed household and mechanical tools, I told him to get a cheap “all in one” set. When you break or wear out a tool, that’s the one you use often, so replace it with a high quality tool. Optimize late…when you replace the cheap starter tool that you wore out, buy the best quality one you can afford at the time.” -Adam Kalsey

This is a smart strategy. For tools, for clothes, for anything that needs optimization. I bought a piece of clothing last week that was going to bring me a ton of joy. It was everything I liked. And yet, I would have hardly ever worn it. I took it back after reading this quote. Instead I bought something to replace another item I had worn out. I’ll use it all the time. It felt great.

Everything looks better in the light of the morning.

Keep Climbing