Based in Washington, i am president of a food safety company. My musings explore life, work and every moment in between.

A Better Measure of Success


That top graph was exactly how I was taught to measure of success, both in life and school. Early in my career, when I interviewed for my first leadership role, I assumed all 15 people applied as well. Didn’t everyone want to be the boss? I quickly found out that no, they did not. They knew more about balance in their lives than I did.


When we examine the Better Measure of success above, it allows for the personal and the real. It’s been a hard year to find time for reflection, for balance, for free time and mental health. I think the world feels a little overdue for some rest and relaxation. At times, I have fallen into the trap of the top graph and forgotten what matters, gotten all out of whack, and forgotten what really makes a life worth living. It’s one of those feelings that sneaks up on me little by little until I’m all out of sorts.


Taking time to be active, for reflection and for time off is just as important as any career advancement or accomplishment. I find when I’m in the balanced zone, the quality of my decisions increases too.

A little spark that propels me forward.

Go Zags.