Based in Washington, i am president of a food safety company. My musings explore life, work and every moment in between.

A little spark that propels me forward.

I’ve been struggling with writers block. The self-imposed deadline of every Monday morning partially, and also because I’m constantly trying to learn how to communicate effectively through this medium. Throughout the week I send myself notes of inspiration and ideas that might make flow occur on Sunday nights. However, when I finally sit down to write undistracted, nothing comes. All of my good ideas from Tuesday or Wednesday now look terrible and I’m sure I’ll never come up with something. Tonight I tried one of my new “tricks” to get started; I wrote this by hand in a journal.


I’ve been a fan of journaling for many years but I’m not always well-practiced at writing down my ideas or writing just for myself. Sometimes I look at the page and ask myself, “is there any point to this?!” I’ve heard my friend Anthony LeDonne talk about his practice of Morning Pages and the clarity of ideas generated from this practice. I’ve also tried and loved a “Schultz Hour” a practice from George Schultz who dedicated an hour a week to write and think. I’m using these practices to refocus during a frantic day, especially when I’m nervous or when I feel scattered and unsure what to tackle next. The simple act of writing with a pen and paper has sharpened my focus and helps me tune out the never-ending distractions on my other devices.


What is my point here? That journaling is important? That I’ve ‘mastered’ a trick? (I haven’t mastered anything.) I think what I’m driving at is this; I’m learning that by slowing down for a minute, I get a little spark that propels me forward.

Nothing is Forever.

A Better Measure of Success